...the day started out well enough, casting my ballot for John McCain. Left the house at 6:40am. Polling place is 2 minutes away. Finished voting around 7:35am. First time in the 11 years we have been in this precinct that I have stood behind more than 5 people in line - and usually there is no one in line.
...so where did all these people come from? And will they keep voting?
...my photo is a little blurry because I could not really set up the shot for fear I would get kicked out or my vote tossed out.
...however, I shouldn't have been worried, seeing as there was a lady campaigning INSIDE THE POLLING PLACE, who then proceeded to come over and briefly cover for one of the official polling place workers when she stepped away from guarding the ballot box. WHAT??!!! Extremely wrong. I was very upset at this. Especially because she was misleading people with what she was saying. Whatever, but keep it outside the polling place.
...how can the Marion County Clerk say there were no problems when the same ballot scanner that didn't work in the primary didn't work on Election Day? So then we have to just slide the paper ballot in the slot, which at 7:30 am was already so full, you could reach in and pull someone's ballot out. Wow, our elections are so full of integrity. At least in my little corner of the world. When I tried to point it out to the ballot box guarder (Judge? I can't keep their titles straight),she said she didn't see it (she didn't have her glasses) and would have to get the inspector over. Thanks for the concern lady. I don't believe she did anything.
...Why do they stick migraine patients in the noisiest places in the hospital? (ok, I am sure it is not THE noisiest, but seems like it some times)
...Who decided red would be republican and blue would be democrat, and how did they get all the networks to jump on board? You would think one of them would go maverick and use purple or something.
...election time, watching the results, and listening to the analysis makes me really miss Professor Loy. I wish I could go sit in on one of his classes every four years during election season. I learned so much from that man and respect and admire him immensely. I wish I had him around to bounce things off of and ask questions to.
...Could they have called Mitch Daniels as the winner any faster?
...Every time I have seen Jill Thompson (which is not much) she has seemed unpleasant and cranky. Tuesday night was no exception.
...How cool is it that Indiana was getting some love from the national media and the candidates this year? It amazes me that Barack Obama was in Indianapolis Tuesday morning. Back in the day, if we were really lucky, the Republican VP candidate might stop by once for some big fundraising dinner that was a zillion dollars a plate. Even when Quayle was in office and running, it wasn't like he dropped in all the time during election season. While I don't like us being a "blue state", I hope we continue to get the attention and respect we deserve. I hope both parties will realize they need to come here and share their vision with the groovy people of Indiana.
...After waiting over 1/2 hour in an ER room for a doctor or nurse to come in, I am wondering if they have forgotten I am here...
...John McCain is kind of like this year's Colts, you know he can win (has the potential to win), you want him to win, you know he probably won't win, but feel like if you accept that, then you are admitting defeat before it has even happened and are being disloyal. I just did not see how any Republican candidate was going to win, given the low ratings Bush has been getting and the current issues with economy.
...I hate these hospital TVs where you have to go through all the channels to get back to the beginning or go down to another channel. I miss my regular remote so I can switch back and forth between channels. Of course, I have to keep the TV quiet, so I am missing 1/2 of what is going on anyway...
...Eight years ago, I was sitting up in bed, feeding a week old Kaylie and watching the beginnings of the Florida debacle. We need some hanging chads or something to spice up this year's post-election coverage.
...How AWESOME was John McCain's concession speech???!!? I thought it was great. So glad I got to hear the bulk of it. Going to have to look it up and listen to the whole thing again. I wish he had always come off that inspiring. Or maybe he did and I just missed it - which means he can't have been too horribly inspiring then, eh?
...So will we keep hearing from Sarah Palin, or will she quietly return to Alaska to live out her term and her days?
...Oh, and thank goodness Tina Fey doesn't have to leave earth. What ever would we do.
...This mass pandemonium and partying in the streets over an election result is slightly disconcerting to me. How do these people view Obama? Do they have realistic expections? Why such jubulation? Given the passion shown, would there have been riots if McCain had won? Where does it come from? I just don't recall ever seeing this before. Again, this is where I miss Professor Loy, he could put it in context and draw the correlations for me.
...While I hate the way politicians can get away with misleading the public with soundbites and catch phrases, election day reminds me of why I loved being a political science major.
...and finally, Hallelujah to know that through everything, the Lord is on His throne, He is sovereign and in control, and He will guard, protect, and comfort His children.
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