Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Raising the Bar

So, last week I was showing off the lovely Blue Friday treats I made for work.  (I was very impressed with myself getting this done on a work night.)  They may not have been the most beautiful things in the world, but they were yummy.    I also made brownies with the horseshoe logo in blue sparkle gel on the top of each square.  Those, also yummy!

Of course, our beloved Colts have won, and now I have to come up with something better for the upcoming AFC Conference Title Game Blue Friday.  Like the Colts, I need to up my game.

(I know, I know, I shouldn't have used the extent of my creativity on the first playoff game, but as a fan who has faced at least as many disappointing playoff endings as the Steelers have rings, I was playing it safe.  No second game, no good cookie-bringing-in excuse.)

So, ideas, please!!

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